Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eat this...not that!

Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what to snack on and especially now that I am not eating sugar for my 6 week challenge- 34 days left, so I made a list of some better food choices which I enjoy!

EAT THIS 14 almonds, small apple or any fruit

NOT: Granola Bar/Fruit and Nut Bar (full of additives, sugars etc)

EAT THIS 1 fruit , serving of string cheese

NOT:canned fruit and pudding snacks (too much sugar at once)

EAT THIS:Lowfat Plain Yogurt with fruit or 1/2 scoop of Protein

NOT:Fruit yogurt/Raisins , dried fruit (a lot of yogurts have added sugars with jellied fruit)

EAT THIS:Plain yogurt, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1 tsp almond butter.....yummy

NOT:Power Bar/Protein Bar (loaded with maldoxtrin and other sugar molecules)

EAT THIS:Whole grain tortilla w/ Peanut butter or hummus (add sliced bananas)

NOT:cheese crackers or 100 calorie snacks (too much sodium, fat & sugars etc)

EAT THIS:Brown Rice cake with hummus or nat. pbutter/ almond butter

NOT: Sunchips, Breton or soda crackers

EAT THIS SNACK: Fresh or Frozen Strawberries/Blueberries

NOT THIS SNACK:Dried fruit of anykind (very high in sugars)

EAT THIS SNACK:Protein Shake : add skim milk or yogurt, fruit (fresh or frozen)

NOT THIS:Smoothie with fruit juice or chocolate or flavored syrups (all sugar and extract)

EAT THIS:Oatmeal, high fibre low fat cereal (sugar content less than 6g per 30 grams)

NOT:Cereal (corn flakes, rice puffs etc)

EAT THIS:Lowfat Cottage cheese with berries

NOT:Lowfat icecream, sorbet, frozen yogurt (a lot of fillers and artificial sweetners, sugars)

Try to eat REAL whole foods, stay away from packaged stuff!! Try this for a few weeks and I BET you see a difference in your physique :)

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